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Hello! Welcome to the Lionmap package :)

This package is meant to provide efficient and robust cell type classification while being easy to use.

Optional features to increase accuracy include the use of a custom hierarchy that describes the relationship between cell types, and user-defined confidence thresholds at each stage of the classification.

An example using a sample dataset where we run the entire pipeline (finding marker genes, creating models, and classifying cells) in a few lines of code is shown below.


#load reference and query datasets
#find marker genes 
marker_genes = FindMarkerGenes(train_ex_data_bpcells, train_ex_metadata, tree = hierarchy, metadata_cluster_column = "seurat_annotations", metadata_cell_label_column = "cell_label")
#create models
models = GetModels(marker_genes, train_ex_data_bpcells, train_ex_metadata, tree = hierarchy, metadata_cluster_column = "seurat_annotations", metadata_cell_label_column = "cell_label")
#classify cells using models
classifications = Classify(test_ex_data_bpcells, models, hierarchy)


You can install the development version of lionmap from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")